August 27, 2012

Literary Pick (***)

-Ian McEwan

What I enjoy most about Ian McEwan's novels is the gracefulness of his prose.
You won't go wrong if you're in search of good conscientious writing that is unlabored or overly manipulated. There's a certain placidity in the manner of his writing that for me is steady and calming, and that from now on, after having read two of his books, I will have the need to return to every now and then, like an intermezzo. I believe McEwan has not yet written his best life's work. This story developed very slowly for me. I read McEwan's Saturday, and although, perhaps just a little less complex than Atonement, possessed more of the qualities I search for in a dramatic work.
Although I feel his stories aren't exactly solid, they're worth the course.

I reluctantly give it a 3.


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